I had DROPped this important info last year;
-John Podesta is going to come back, and Seth Rich Is going to come back and everything will be exposed.
It's all happening and going to grow into a massive story!
Sometimes you really have to wonder why Q knew we were watching a movie.🤔
I have been telling you for a long time... Alot of deep state people actors are being forced to play out their final parts
> They are are being Forced by Military operations connected to DEVOLUTION PLAN
I have been telling you a lot of the play by play CABLES happening. Long before anyone was talking of nuclear EVENTS or blackouts or Twitter being captured by USSF / MUSK MILITARY INTEL and much much much....
This year is the year Adrenochrome is going to be LEAKED into the world wide public sectors . .. And will connect to the understanding of over 8 million missing children yearly!
Human trafficking is the real Pandemic!. That's why Trump initiated Executive Orders to combat the crisis but also installed covert military operations to bring down world operations in an 8 years Q cycle.
_ Why do you think the worlds biggest pedophile and child trafficker EPSTEIN was arrested under the TRUMP administration?
How does the CIA ( Bush's). MOSSAD. Mi6. Globalist. CLINTONS. DAVOS.WEF. UN. + ETC+ all fit into Adrenochrome harvesting and human trafficking ring and pedophila ring?
The 33 rd degree Masons/ Kazarians at the highest levels who created world war 1 and World War 2 and funded Hitler with U.S. money ( this can still be Google and is inside United States archives) by Prescott Bush ( Bush family) and by U.S. backs and UK. ( ROCKEFELLERS. JP Morgan. ROTHSCHILDS banking sectors, wall Street etc.)
After these assholes funded Hitler and war 1 & 2 , they also created The United Nations and the plans were layed out at Bohemian Grove California by Globalist at pedophile and human trafficking parties that only included men ( now it's proven bohemian grove satanic cult parties and child sacrifice rituals exist for over 130 with world elites and presidents prime ministers and major cotps.)... The United Nations was created for several reasons including a world Money laundering operations to creating protection laws for Globalist or their corporations having diplomatic immunity ( they can't be arrested or investigated.....> Example Pfizer working with UN ) ... It was planned that WW2 would be stopped by the UN which would then come in as the savior of the world. .. And three years later the UN created Israel (large parts of the plan of creating Israel dates back to 33rd Masons in 1800s who wanted to create Israel to bring war into the middle East and hoped to destroy Israel through planned wars with the Muslim world.
After the destruction of Israel the idea was for a savior United Alliance by the cabal ( future United Nations) to bring in a one world government through the destruction and war of the middle East that killed all the Jews in Israel.
Now their plan is still happening as they try to bring a massive nuclear event to Israel and try to unite the world against the middle East and the U.S. try to retake control of the middle east oil ( this plan is no longer working and falling apart)
But there are many many factors why The United Nations was created by the Kazarians fake northern Jews ( ROTHSCHILDS/ ROCKERFELLERS) who stole the identity of the real Jews ...... There are allot of parts to this story including why ROTHSCHILDS funded Ghislain Maxwells father who worked for MI6. MOSSAD and CIA ...... But this this story focus is to Adrenochrome, John Podesta. Hillary ROCKEFELLER CLINTON and human/ child trafficking industry.
So the Adrenaline sack in the body is shaped like triangle /_\ there is two of them .
A rectangle has 3 sides .
The illuminati hand symbol with both hands makes a triangle. But if you separate the joined hands and show only one hand . You have a Goat feet ( Leonard Nimoy - Spok- hand gesture is the goat feet and he got this idea from Rabbi
"Nobody agreed to this": Dr. Trozzi criticizes genetic modification through vaccines
Dr. Mark Trozzi: "What was given to people in these injections were pegylated nanoparticles that were able to enter the cell and carry this highly modified, unnatural version of messenger RNA.... It also contains DNA, a series of genetic sequences, including the SV40 promoter sequence. This SV40 promoter sequence helps the other DNA to enter the cell nucleus and be integrated into the chromosome. This is called genetic modification of humans. Nobody agreed to this when it came to developing a safe and effective vaccine.
> Trump Secretary of State Mark Rubio and including Secretary of defense of the United States are all pushing for disclosure projects being guided by Congress to the American people.
>From RFK JR. TULSI GABBARD ... Heading important operation to bring down the deep state cabal operations to DOGE attacking and exposing the Federal Reserve.... We are coming into the POWERFUL STORM AND DAYS OF THUNDER
These operations of the STARGATE. IRON DOME is connected to the coming release of Advanced hidden technology>>> including the real Med beds. Life beds ( not the fake gimmicks out there) ...... How do you think Trump and Musk can sleep only 2 _4 hours a night and work non stop?
Right now Trump is taking apart the deep state financial money laundering operations and federal reserve that protects the FDA and deep state from letting Med Beds / Tesla beds/ life beds from coming out. The FDA protects the health industry and Big pharma industry and they don't want advanced technology coming out to save ...
So we're coming into the golden era which is also the golden era of knowledge and it's also connected to the plasma energy / zero point energy. Anti gravity. +
_ and then also to the plasma that's inside the human body that's connected to a certain gold mineral inside of your body.
that is also connected to the most miraculous things of time travel, how the spirit is created through birth, how the heart is a vortex connected to the mind. There's a lot that you're going to learn.
There's a lot of things that's going to come out, technology that we're heading into, that Trump is going to release, the military is going to release, that's connected to Musk. It's going to be connected to these huge gigantic operations.
So this is just to give you a little insight of what Stargate is. It's much bigger than you can even imagine what's happening. These are the combs of Stargate. It's only the beginning of the stuff you're going to learn.
Up next THE IRON DOME >> its not what you think it is. The IRON...