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"Nobody agreed to this": Dr. Trozzi criticizes genetic modification through vaccines

Dr. Mark Trozzi: "What was given to people in these injections were pegylated nanoparticles that were able to enter the cell and carry this highly modified, unnatural version of messenger RNA.... It also contains DNA, a series of genetic sequences, including the SV40 promoter sequence. This SV40 promoter sequence helps the other DNA to enter the cell nucleus and be integrated into the chromosome. This is called genetic modification of humans. Nobody agreed to this when it came to developing a safe and effective vaccine.

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The WHO will be gone hopefully soon and all what is connected with and to WHO
The snake sits in Geneva Switzerland

🇨🇭💰 Swiss ex-banker Najadi demands arrest of those responsible for democide sind❗️

The WEF, WHO, GAVI, Big Pharma, Big Tech and Bill Gates have all come out in favor of global human injection by a bioweapon injecting nanolipids into 5.7 billion people. And we Swiss are the hosts. This is terrible.

We cannot tolerate any organization that promotes the injection of poison into humanity. But you have done it. I am the victim. I am dying from it, and so is my mother. It is a democide and will be condemned. It will be corrected in the name of humanity.
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🇨🇭💰 Schweizer Ex-Bankier Najadi fordert Verhaftung derjenigen die für den Demozid verantwortlich sind❗️

Das WEF, die WHO, GAVI, Big Pharma, Big Tech und Bill Gates haben sich alle für eine globale Menschheitsinjektion durch eine Biowaffe ausgesprochen, die Nanolipide in 5,7 Milliarden...

Centralization and collectivization: Oliver sees parallels to the Soviet era

Centralization and collectivization: Oliver sees parallels to the Soviet era

Neil Oliver: "People will insist that there is no similarity between what happened in the countries under Stalin's rule in the second half of the 20th century and the centralizing policies of progressives and so-called liberals in the 21st century.

I see that what happened in the past can happen again, including the worst of times, and if we do not respond to the threat now, it will certainly happen.

There are again discussions about the collectivization of agriculture, plans to confiscate farmland, evict farmers and thus gain control over food production. I say the threat no longer comes from the East, it is home-made, it lives here in the form of those who treat citizens with open contempt, who work day and night to seize even the last control over our lives, who would silence and even imprison those whose opinions differ from the mainstream, who want to restrict freedom of expression ever further, who leave ...


One of the last witnesses to seeing MH370 saw the place change direction over NICOBAR ISLAND where USSF first launded the SIBRS intelligence tracking system that can track in 3D operations with SATELLITES, land and aviation operation (< important information)
>>>>NOW_ here is the part that is the KICKER///>>>
_> >>UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE ( USSF) OPERATIONS LAUNCH THREE CLASSIFIED MILITARY ADVANCED UAPs that travel over 2,000 miles per hour to MH370 and surrounded the flight.... Using the advanced technology That is openly described and patented by Naval engineer Salvatore Pais
who works with highly classified Naval operations and is deep inside ] MILITARY DISCLOSURE [ Projects//// >>USSF used the three UAPs to break through the Schwinger limit quantum electrodynamics by amplifying the electric magnetic field currency around and inside the vacuum of space and time. .> INDOTHERMIC EVENT.. Using Tesla energy/infinit energy ( The video of the MH370 explosion is not an explosion but implosion of ...


Air Force SPECIAL OPERATIONS ( the origins of UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE > USSF) .... The joint operations of Naval, Air Force ( USSF BEGGING ORGINS) + Army intelligence brigade and Special Forces were all working together on the TOP SECRET MILITARY OPERATIONS TO CAPTURE>>> DEEP DARK OPERATIONS
( Deep dark is UNDERGROUND military bases that were controlling advanced technology and had replicated REAL SUPER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY that was the room temperature Super conductivity microchips )

In 2014 white hats military operations set into motion One of the Greatest operations connected to the origins of THE STORM OPERATIONS to bring down the deep state.
_ the deep state Rothschilds (CIA/Mossad/GLOBALIST) lockhead Martin wanted to move the sensitive Super conductivity microchips to China.. But the micro chips were very sensitive to open air natural eletro magnetic energy, radiation in the air, all natural electric frequencies in the air which all gave CHARGE to the microchips ( 1000x more advanced ...

New from Q The Storm Rider

( Post Truth World>>>> THE TRUTH is so Unbelievable it discredits itself into conspiracy and a lie)///

Super conductivity micro chips
(Advanced technology for antigravity Propulsion systems> advanced healing health technology> super advanced military weapons> SUPER A.I. SYSTEMS >>>>CLOAKING planets technology ( unable to see other planets and advanced societies in the universe due to advanced technology that hides their planets)
> Endless possibilities of Super ( Room temperature ) Conductivity micro chips

In 2014;
The United States. Russia. China and all top world military intelligence agencies as MOSSAD.. UK MI6 >>>
_ALL KNEW who was on the flight MH370 and they ALL knew what was on the flight.
>SUPER ADVANCED Conductivity Micro Chips (that was heading to meet Chinese
CCP & Rothschilds China Bank heads affiliated with DAVOS Global operations and deep state military operations in Beijing Capital International Airport in China )

_USSF >The Space-Based ...

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