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Boycotting Cannibalism: Foods Containing
Dead Fetal Cells
Every time we eat any of the food sources listed below (and any time we eat the flesh and blood
of another sentient being), we are participating in a satanic ritual. It’s time to say ‘no’ by never
purchasing products made with dead babies again. The following products are manufactured using aborted fetal cells:

– All Pepsi soft drinks
– Sierra Mist soft drinks
– Mountain Dew soft drinks
– Mug root beer and other soft drinks
– No Fear beverages
– Ocean Spray beverages
– Seattle’s Best Coffee
– Tazo beverages
– AMP Energy beverages
– Aquafina water
– Aquafina flavored beverages
– DoubleShot energy beverages
– Frappuccino beverages
– Lipton tea and other beverages
– Propel beverages
– SoBe beverages
– Gatorade beverages
– Fiesta Miranda beverages
– Tropicana juices and beverages

– All coffee creamers
– Maggi Brand instant soups, bouillon cubes, ketchups, sauces, seasoning, instant noodles

– Black Jack chewing gum
– Bubbaloo bubble gum
– Bubblicious bubble gum
– Chiclets
– Clorets
– Dentyne
– Freshen Up Gum
– Sour Cherry Gum (Limited)
– Sour Apple Gum (Limited)
– Stride
– Trident

– Sour Cherry Blasters
– Fruit Mania
– Bassett’s Liquorice All sorts
– Maynards Wine Gum
– Swedish Fish
– Swedish Berries
– Juicy Squirts
– Original Gummies
– Fuzzy Peach
– Sour Chillers
– Sour Patch Kids
– Mini Fruit Gums
– Certs breath mints
– Halls Cough Drops

Neocutis uses aborted male baby cells after a 14 week gestation period in their anti-wrinkle
creams. The following creams they sell contain aborted fetal cells, but we need to boycott all
their products.
-Bio-Gel Prevedem Journee
-Bio-Serum Lumiere
-Bio Restorative Skin Cream

-MMR II (Merck)
-ProQuad (MMR + Chickenpox — Merck)
-Varivax (Chickenpox — Merck)
-Pentacel (Polio + DTaP + HiB — Sanofi Pasteur)
-Vaqta (Hepatitis-A — Merck)
-Havrix (Hepatitis-A — Glaxo SmithKline)
-Twinrix (Hepatitis-A and B combo — Glaxo)
-Zostavax (Shingles — Merck)
-Imovax (Rabies — Sanofi Pasteur)

-Pulmozyme (Cystic Fibrosis — Genetech)
-Enbrel (Rheumatoid Arthritis — Amgen)

Join➣ @SGAnon_Q17

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"Nobody agreed to this": Dr. Trozzi criticizes genetic modification through vaccines

Dr. Mark Trozzi: "What was given to people in these injections were pegylated nanoparticles that were able to enter the cell and carry this highly modified, unnatural version of messenger RNA.... It also contains DNA, a series of genetic sequences, including the SV40 promoter sequence. This SV40 promoter sequence helps the other DNA to enter the cell nucleus and be integrated into the chromosome. This is called genetic modification of humans. Nobody agreed to this when it came to developing a safe and effective vaccine.

The WHO will be gone hopefully soon and all what is connected with and to WHO
The snake sits in Geneva Switzerland

🇨🇭💰 Swiss ex-banker Najadi demands arrest of those responsible for democide sind❗️

The WEF, WHO, GAVI, Big Pharma, Big Tech and Bill Gates have all come out in favor of global human injection by a bioweapon injecting nanolipids into 5.7 billion people. And we Swiss are the hosts. This is terrible.

We cannot tolerate any organization that promotes the injection of poison into humanity. But you have done it. I am the victim. I am dying from it, and so is my mother. It is a democide and will be condemned. It will be corrected in the name of humanity.
Übersetzt mit DeepL


🇨🇭💰 Schweizer Ex-Bankier Najadi fordert Verhaftung derjenigen die für den Demozid verantwortlich sind❗️

Das WEF, die WHO, GAVI, Big Pharma, Big Tech und Bill Gates haben sich alle für eine globale Menschheitsinjektion durch eine Biowaffe ausgesprochen, die Nanolipide in 5,7 Milliarden...

Do not fear. Q

There is almost no more money to pay off all the dark operations global.)...a massive collapse of the GLOBALIST money is happening as their real money is collapsing in rapid decline.

And their world pedophilia networks is coming more and more to full exposure inside entertainment industry. Government sector . Banking sectors ........ (As Trump begins his full return > covert military operations to take down the world deep state is happening and increasing at rapid rate... this all connected to why Trump signed Presidential Executive Orders against human trafficking.. Now TRUMP gives COMMS on death penalty to human child sex traffickers the deep state....)

This is why the deep state are trying to create EARTHQUAKEs . GLOBAL CATASTROPHIC EVENTS ////
As we head into these hard EVENTS dear Patriots please remember to warn your friend in these regions of Earthquakes volcanos and coming EMP MIMIC SOLAR EVENTS BLACKOUTS (later the deep state will mimic solar events with EMP weapons and in the same ...

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